Domain owner:
ABSEITZ Stuttgart e.V.
Weißenburgstr. 28 A
70180 Stuttgart
Member of the Württembergischer Landessportbund

Management Committee:
Uwe Sens (Committee Chairperson, Committee member: Sports Infrastructure)
Yolanda Braun (Committee Member: Public Relations and Sponsoring)
Dennis Bachmann (Committee Member: Treasurer)
Melanie Behr (Committee Member: Management of Membership and Development of the Club)
Tanarat Boonsut (Committee Member: Event Management)

Registered court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Registration number: VR 5278

Responsibility for article 10, section 3 of MDStV (media services national agreement):
Uwe Sens, address as above

Editorial content: Committee of Abseitz Stuttgart e.V.
Layout and webmastering: VIRTOON design,

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The pictures used on this website

  • are either own-production,
  • were purchased from,
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  • have been made available to us by our partners.

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